(Last updated : 2024-02-16 18:12:43)
  Hiroki Kameyama
   Department   Kumamoto Health Science University  Department of Medical Technology, Faculty of Health Science
   Position  Associate Professor
Basic Information
■ Research Fields
Human pathology, Human pathology 
Academic Achievements
■ Selected Publications
1. 2023/06/28 Article Whole body vibration accelerates the functional recovery of motor nerve components in sciatic nerve-crush injury model rats Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation 19(3),pp.149-162 (Collaboration) 
2. 2022/06/29 Article Pulmonary neuroendocrine cells and small cell lung carcinoma: Immunohistochemical study focusing on mechanisms of neuroendocrine differentiation ACTA HISTOCHEMICA ET CYTOCHEMICA 55(3),pp.75-83 (Collaboration) 
3. 2022/06/15 Article CD34 is Expressed in Endothelial Cells in Embryonic Testes and is Additionally Expressed in Non-Endothelial Cells in Postnatal Mouse Testes Zoological Science 39(5),pp.468-476 (Collaboration) 
4. 2020/11/10 Article Integrated Immunohistochemical Study on Small-Cell Carcinoma of the Lung Focusing on Transcription and Co-Transcription Factors Diagnostics 10(11),pp.949-962 (Collaboration) 
5. 2020/02/26 Article Significance of achaete‑scute complex homologue 1 (ASCL1) in pulmonary neuroendocrine carcinomas; RNA sequence analyses using small cell lung cancer cells and Ascl1‑induced pulmonary neuroendocrine carcinoma cells Histochemistry and Cell Biology 153(6),pp.443-456 (Collaboration) 
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