ウチダ マナブ   Manabu UCHIDA
  内田 学
   所属   東京医療学院大学  保健医療学部 リハビリテーション学科 理学療法学専攻教員
   職種   准教授
発表年月日 2008/03
発表テーマ Influence that use of pillow used for changing position gives ventilation
会議名 The 3rd international Meeting of physical therapy science in Beijingu
学会区分 全国学会
単独共同区分 共同
概要 Summary:This posture is disadvantageous in the meaning of limitation of ventilation though the scene that maintains the half decubitus position posture on the side in the chest used for the changing position back with a pillow is done habitual. In the present study, the influence that the half decubitus position posture in which the pillow was fixed behind the chest gave ventilated was examined. A low value was intentionally indicated in the tidal volume compared with the decubitus spine position and the possibility of making a relative ventilation limitation was suggested though the limitation was not seen in the breathing capacity.