    (Last updated : 2024-04-10 12:26:35)
  IKENAGA Toshie
   Department   Tokyo Keizai University  , Contemporary Law
   Position   Visiting Professor
■ E-Mail Address
■ Business career
1. 2024/04~ Tokyo Keizai University Contemporary Law Visiting Professor
■ Degree/Academic background
1. 1992/09~1994/05 〔Master Course〕, Brandeis University, Completed,
2. 1979/04~1983/03 Faculty of Liberal Arts, The University of Tokyo, Graduated,
■ Book and thesis
1. 2015/10 Article Possible Impacts of Information and Communication Technology on Wages The Japanese Journal of Labour Studies  (Single) 
2. 2011/02 Article Labor Market Polarization and Non-routine Unskilled Employment in Japan. The Japanese Journal of Labour Studies  (Single) 
3. 2009/02 Article Polarization of the Japanese Labor Market: Adoption of ICT and Changes in Tasks Required The Japanese Journal of Labour Studies  (Single) 
■ Main Courses Taught
1. Studies on Public Policies