Department   Tokyo Keizai University  , Economics
   Position   Professor
Date 2017/09/01
Presentation Theme Import Pressure and Merger Evaluation: A Case of Japanese Copper Tube Industry
Conference EARIE2017
Conference Type International
Presentation Type Speech (General)
Contribution Type Collaborative
Publisher and common publisher NAKAMURA, Tsuyoshi
Details This paper empirically analyze how much import pressure restrains the rise in product price after a merger. Our case is about a merger for which competition policy authority actually reviewed whether import pressure ex- isted or not. We construct and estimate a model with import supply function, which reflects the impact of import pressure. This model is simple, but credibly replicates the actual market in terms of key variables such as price, domestic production, and import. Then we conduct merger simulations and obtain the results against the existence of import pressure.Note:With Hiroshi OHASHI (University of Tokyo)