Department   Tokyo Keizai University  , Communication Studies
   Position   Associate Professor
Date 2017/08/19
Presentation Theme 慢性疾病をもつ子どもと家族のための滞在施設との連携について考えよう! ~病院と在宅をつなぐ中間施設としての患者家族滞在施設の役割と支援~
Conference 27th Congress of Japanese Society of Child Health Nursing
Conference Type Domestic
Presentation Type Panelist at Symposium/Workshop (Applied)
Contribution Type Collaborative
Publisher and common publisher Michie NAGAYOSHI, Yachiyo EGUCHI, Kimiko IWASE, Yoko UEDA, Kenta KOYAMA, Satoshi YAGO, Kouhei TAKITA, Kinu TAKAHASHI