    (Last updated : 2024-03-27 10:40:38)
  Megumi M. OHASHI
   Department   Tokyo Future University  Department of Child Psychology Speciality of Child Psychology, School of Child Psychology
   Position   Professor
■ Works
Our first book, "What Junior Sports Coaches Should Know," is based on our research of junior sports. We wrote it with empathy for amateur coaches who are doing their best, as well as parents who support players. Adults' support is essential for children to play sports. When providing support, simply conveying knowledge of the sport is not enough. Coaches need to have teaching skills. Drawing on psychological insights, this book proposes ways coaches can provide better guidance.
"Active parenting and a growth of the parents through sports"
This book describes links childcare, life and sports. Specifically, important information for child-raising, from the importance of children's play and life to competitive sports is included. There are many Q&As for parents. Some column related with the US and Germany, Philippines are also included .
■ Academic conference presentation
1. 2023/09 Relationship between attitudes toward sport and exercise and health behaviors 2:Using PC version of the single category IAT and the usage of stairs. (The Japanese Society of Social Psychology,64th meeting)
2. 2023/08 (The Japanese Society of Applied Psychology, 89th meeting)
3. 2023/08 (The Japanese Society of Applied Psychology, 89th meeting)
4. 2023/08 (The Japanese Society of Educational Psychology, 65th meeting)
5. 2023/08 (The Japanese Society of Educational Psychology, 65th meeting)
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■ Book and thesis
1. 2024/04 Book The Psychology of "Protecting" Children: Healthy Growth, Well-Being, Mind and Safety   (Collaboration) 
2. 2024/03 Article Reliability of the Implicit Association Test for Measuring Implicit Attitudes towards Sports and Exercising Tokyo Future University Bulletin  (Collaboration) 
3. 2024/01 Article Results of Attending Selective Junior High Schools on Educational Attainment and Standard of Living: A Social Survey in Japan. Cogent Education 11(1),pp.2298045 (Collaboration) Link
4. 2023/12 Article Cross-cultural Comparison of Parental Attitudes and Mental Health: Collectivistic vs. Individualistic Cultures. Journal of Association for Children's Environment pp.36-41 (Collaboration) 
5. 2023/12 Article Supportive bahaviors for children by instructors in extracurricular activities in the community: Factors related to leaning and social interest. Journal of Association for Children's Environment pp.50-56 (Collaboration) 
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■ Academic background
1. 1997/04~2003/03 〔Doctorial Course〕, The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology, Accomplished credits for doctoral program
2. 2006/04/19
Degree Acquisition
The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology, Ph.d social psychology
3. 1994/04~1997/03 〔Master Course〕, The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology, Completed, MA (social psychology)
4. 1990/04~1994/03 Faculty of Letters, The University of Tokyo, Graduated,
■ Business career
1. 2022/04~ Toyo Gakuen University part-time lecturerLink
2. 2018/04~ Tokyo FUture University Professor
3. 2017/10~ Waseda University School of Creative Science and Engineering part-time lecturerLink
4. 2004/10~2010/09 Tokyo Gakugei University School of Education part-time lecturerLink
5. 2003/04~2007/03 Atomi University part-time lecturerLink
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■ Educational ability
● Made textbook and teaching material
1. 2021/10 Group Psychology
2. 2017/04 Children's Studies: 22 Keywords for Children.
3. 2014/12 Social psychology with challenge
4. 2009/04 Group Psychology
5. 2008/04 Educational Psychology
■ Main Subject
Psychological experiments, psychological statistics, group psychology, social cognition ,cultural psychology, introduction to psychological research
■ Belonging society
1. 1994/05~ The Japanese Association of Social PsychologyLink
2. 1997/08~ Asian Association of Social PsychologyLink
3. 2002/04~ The Japanese Association of PsychologyLink
4. 2009/04~ The Japanese Association of Educational PsychologyLink
5. 1995/04~ The Japanese Group Dynamics AssociationLink
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■ Qualification and license
1. 2009/02/10 nursery teacher
2. 2008/10/01 JUPA Psychology Proficiency Test Grade 1
3. 2008/10/01 Professional social researcher
■ Research topic, funded research, and department laboratory expense
1. 2020/04~2024/03  Differences in implicit views of sports by adolescent sports experience  (Key Word : IAT, implicit attitudes, sports)
2. 2019/06~2021/03  Club activity instructor course established by active utilization of e-learning Development committee  (Key Word : Club activity instructor, teaching material development, e-learning,)
3. 2018/04~2022/03  Development and evaluation of a team sports coaching program for children with developmental challenges  (Key Word : Children with reasonable accommodation, sports harassment, junior sports, teaching material development, and development challenges)
4. 2014/04~2017/03  Development of sport harassment of prevention program in community junior sports  (Key Word : Sports harassment, sports parenting, community sports, parental troubles, online teaching materials)
5. 2008/04~2009/03  Empirical Studies on connotations of"ordinariness": Personal value and estimations of compatriots' value  (Key Word : value, person perception, oardinary)
■ Lecturer and lecture
1. 2019/10 What We Want to Know Coaches of Junior Sports
■ Committee and society
1. 2019/06~2021/03 Club activity instructor training business, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology commissioned business Development committee member
2. 2014/09~ Adachi ward, Tokyo Bullying investigation committee
3. 2013/04~2015/01 Adachi ward, Tokyo Public contract oversight committee
■ Home Page
   ORCiD (for English) / ResearchGate (for both)
■ Research Field
1. 2020/10 Japanese Association of Psychology Excellent Presentation Award (When mothers want to continue volunteering in their children’s community-based sports clubs: The effects of justice sensitivity and harassment)
2. 2022/07 Association for Children's Environment Excellent Poster-presentation Award (Cross-Cultural comparison about parental attitudes and stress.)
3. 2021/07 Association for Children's Environment Encouragement Award for books/papers (Active parenting and a growth of the parents through sports)
4. 2021/07 Association for Children's Environment Excellent Poster-presentation Award (Relationship between bench- and coach- harassment and children's developmental characteristics.)
■ Present specialized field
Social psychology, Educational psychology, Experimental psychology, Sports sciences (Key Word:implicit attitudes, junior sports, motivation, self-evaluation, ordinary, value) 
■ Teaching Experiences
1. pcyhological experiment seminer
2. psychological statistics
3. educational psychology
4. social psychology
5. Social cognition
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■ Profile
Megumi M. Ohashi currently teaches at a small private college in Tokyo, JAPAN. She got her Ph.d (social psychology) at the University of Tokyo. She is interested in Japanese sense of self, using indeginous cultural psychology approach. She is currently working on the implicit attitudes of sports& exercise, and group psychology of junior sports. She is also interested in the students' perception on e-learning or distance learning.