中澤 純一
   所属   東京未来大学  モチベーション行動科学部 モチベーション行動科学科
   職種   講師
発表年月日 2019/11/02
発表テーマ ‘Unit Development and the Practice that Focused on Change in Consciousness of the Majority : As a Clue of the Integrated Study in the Junior High School’
会議名 The 20th Annual Conference of Korean Society of Education for International Understanding(KOSEIU)
主催者 Korean Society of Education for International Understanding(KOSEIU)
学会区分 国際学会
発表形式 口頭(一般)
単独共同区分 単独
国名 大韓民国
開催地名 Jeonju National University
発表者・共同発表者 Junichi Nakazawa
概要 Various social changes getting advance rapidly through the modern society so that it is delegate by global society, the global community and the multicultural coexistence society. Particularly, by the view point of global scale people coming and going beyond the border become global standard. On the other hand, multiculturalization is progressing rapidly with the progress of globalization. In the diversifying world, people with different cultural background recognize each other respect , and build the equal relations. For making better "multicultural coexistence" it will be more important issue in the future. Therefor I assume "multicultural coexistence "a key concept in this study. In particular, I focused on changes in the attitude of majority Japanese students. I clarify the results and issues through unit development and practice in the Integrated Study.