フジノ ユリ   fujino yuri
  藤野 百合
   所属   千里金蘭大学  看護学部 看護学科
   職種   准教授
発表年月日 2011
発表テーマ The coordination of family roles for adjusting to home care after discharge from NICU:a focus on mothers with children who require medical care.
会議名 10th International Family Nursing Conference
学会区分 国際学会
開催地名 Kyoto
発表者・共同発表者 Inoue Atsuko,Fujino Yuri, Nakayama Miyuki
概要 Background and Aims:It is reported that home care was a heavy burden for mothers with children requiring medical care. While these children were still hospitalizes, it was necessary to coordinate family roles in order to adjust to home care being discharged from a NICU. The aim of this study was to clarify the coordination of family roles that mothers carried out and the support they felt was felt was needed.
Method:A qualitative descriptive research design was applied.
The subjects of this research were six mothers whose children required medical care while being hospitalized in a NICU for more than one month.