Department   Notre Dame Seishin University  Department of Foods and Human Nutrition, Faculty of Human Life Sciences
   Graduate Scool  Research Course in Food Science and Nutrition Masater's Courese, Graduate Scool of Human Life Sciences
   Position   Associate Professor
Language English
Publication Date 2017/07
Type Research paper (scientific journal)
Peer Review Peer reviewed
Title A novel mutation in theCOL2A1gene in a patient with Stickler syndrome type 1: a case report and review of the literature (スティックラ-症候群1型に認められたCOL2A1の新規遺伝子変異: 症例報告と文献的考察)
Contribution Type Joint Work
Journal Journal of Medical Case Reports
Journal TypeAnother Country
Volume, Issue, Page 11(237)
Author and coauthor Yousuke Higuchi, Kosei Hasegawa, Miho Yamashita, Hiroyuki Tanaka and Hirokazu Tsukahara