田口 玲奈
   所属   鍼灸学部 鍼灸学科
   職種   准教授
言語種別 日本語
発行・発表の年月 2003/09
形態種別 研究論文
標題 カラゲニン炎症性痛覚過敏に対する鍼鎮痛効果−末梢のオピオイド受容体の関わりについて−
執筆形態 共著
掲載誌名 The 24th JNRC Proceedings
担当範囲 本研究の施行から論文作成まで全てを担当した。
著者・共著者 関戸玲奈、田口辰樹、石丸圭荘、北小路博司、咲田雅一
概要 This study investigated the effects of elec-troacupuncture (EA) on the development of hyperalgesia during carrageenan-induced in-flammation and whether opioid receptors in peripheral tissues participate in electroacu-puncture analgesia (EAA). EA produced a sig-nificant increase in PPT and lasted for 24 h af-ter carrageenan injection. PPT elevations were antagonized dose-dependently by NTI (δopioid receptor antagonist), nor-BNI (κopioid receptor antagonist) or CTOP (μopioid re-ceptor antagonist) i.pl. injection from immedi-ately, 1 h or 3 h after EA, respectively. These results suggest that EA trigger the release of each opioid peptides at different time stage and activate three opioid receptor in peripheral tissues.