アオキ ユウジ   Yuji.AOKI
青木 雄次

  • 所属   松本大学大学院  健康科学研究科 健康科学専攻
  •    松本大学  人間健康学部 健康栄養学科
  • 職種   教授
言語種別 英語
発行・発表の年月 2018/12
形態種別 研究論文
招待論文 招待あり
標題 Long-term observational study on albuminuria and the passive extension angle of metacarpophalangeal joints in patients with type 2 diabetes.
執筆形態 単著
掲載誌名 Clinical Research in Diabetes and Endocrinology
出版社・発行元 Asclepius
巻・号・頁 1(2),pp.1-6
総ページ数 6
概要 Seventy-one patients with type 2 diabetes, in whom albuminuria, graded as normo- (< 30 mg/g creatinine, grade 0), micro- (30 – 300, grade 1) and macroalbuminuria (> 300, grade 3), and the passive extension angle of metacarpophalangeal (MP) joints to quantitatively assess limited joint mobility (LJM) were measured again 10 to 12 years later in 2015, were studied. It was inferred that the decrease of the angle of MP joints was rather associated with arteriosclerosis than early diabetic nephropathy. It would be worth elucidating the relation between LJM, diabetic nephropathy and macrovascular disease, all of which are involved in advanced glycation end-products.
