アオキ ユウジ   Yuji.AOKI
青木 雄次

  • 所属   松本大学大学院  健康科学研究科 健康科学専攻
  •    松本大学  人間健康学部 健康栄養学科
  • 職種   教授
言語種別 英語
発行・発表の年月 2019/09
形態種別 総説・解説(学術雑誌)
招待論文 招待あり
標題 Mini Review: The Japanese diet should be going to be an optimal diet for people's healthy longevity
執筆形態 単著
掲載誌名 Acta Scientific Nutritional Health
出版社・発行元 Acta Scientific
巻・号・頁 Special Issue(1),pp.13-16
総ページ数 4
著者・共著者 Yuji Aoki
概要 Both the Japanese and Mediterranean diets are known to be healthy. The Japanese dietary pattern is characterized by the dietary staple, side dishes and soup, and contains the top three categories of soybeans/soybean-derived products, seafood and vegetables, followed by rice and miso soup. The modern Japanese and Mediterranean diets are inferred to promote obesity and worsen metabolic risk factors. It is a concern that the Japanese diet seems to be westernized further to date. Before the average life expectancy reaches a peak prematurely in Japan, the Japanese diet should be going to be an optimal diet for people’s healthy longevity.
