(最終更新日:2020-11-07 02:39:45)
  ナカムラ ダイスケ   NAKAMURA Daisuke
  中村 大輔
   所属   日本女子体育大学  体育学部 ダンス学科
   職種   講師
■ 現在の専門分野
言語学 (キーワード:英語学、認知言語学、第二言語習得論) 
■ 主な業績
1. 2019/03 論文  Development of clausal and subclausal grammatical complexity and their relationship to overall length in second language writing over a year. 
(第二言語での作文における句・節の文法的複雑さの発達とその一文の長さとの関係の考察) Bulletin of Japan Women’s College of Physical Education, 49,45-57頁 (単著) 
2. 2015/03 著書  Exploring implicit cognition: Learning, Memory, and Social Processes
(暗示的認知の探求:学習、記憶、社会プロセス)   (共著) 
3. 2014/12 論文  "Perceived difficulty and usefulness of learning management systems:A survey on the Calabo LMS (Bridge)."
(学習者が持つCALLソフトフェアに対する有効性と使用困難さの研究) Thought currents in English Literature 87,95-113頁 (単著) 
4. 2013/12 論文  "Scaffolding students'understanding of English writing by web logging:A preliminary survey."
(ブログによる英語ライティング理解の促進研究) Thought currents in English Literature 86,99-114頁 (単著) 
5. 2013/09 論文  "Methodological considerations in studying awareness during learning. Part 2: Second language acquisition."
(学習時意識研究における方法論の研究:第二言語習得分野) Polish Psychological Bulletin 44(3),337-353頁 (単著) 
■ 学会発表
1. 2018/06 Effect of task repetition on the development of grammatical complexity in L2 summary writing. (タスクの繰り返しが第二言語サマリーライティングにおける文法的複雑さの発達に及ぼす影響)(Paper presented at TBLT in Asia 2018)
2. 2014/03 Tutorial weblogging in IE Writing:A preliminary study.(ライティングにおけるブログの効用研究)(Paper presented at IE Orientation and 21st Annual Faculty Development Symposium on University English Teaching.)
3. 2011/09 Noticing and metalinguistic understanding in second language construction learning.(第二言語構文学習における気づきとメタ言語的理解研究)(Paper presented at the 12th annual meeting of Japanese Cognitive Linguistics)
4. 2009/09 Input skewedness, input consistency, and order of skewed input: Effects of frequency manipulations on second language construction learning. (高頻度動詞、代名詞フレームとその提示順序が第二言語構文学習に与える影響の研究)(Paper presented at the 10th annual meeting of Japanese Cognitive Linguistics Association)
5. 2009/03 Task switching, conceptual span, and frequency-driven construction learning.(タスクの切り替えと概念スパンにおける個人差が頻度に基づく構文学習に与える影響の研究)(Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Association of Applied Linguistics)