スズキ ノブオ   SUZUKI Nobuo
  鈴木 信夫
   所属   日本女子体育大学  体育学部 スポーツ科学科
   職種   特任教授
発表年月日 2011/07
発表テーマ The complex evolutionary history of the acquisition of morphological polymorphism in the scorpionfly Panorpodes paradoxus (Insecta: Mecoptera,Panorpodidae)
会議名 2011 Annual Meeting of Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution
主催者 The Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution
学会区分 国際学会
発表形式 ポスター
単独共同区分 共同
開催地名 京都大学
発表者・共同発表者 T. Suzuki, N. Suzuki and K. Tojo
概要 The panorpodid scorpionfly Panorpodes paradoxus, which inhabits mountainous regions, is known to display a variety of morphological polymorphisms. In particular, the short wing typed individuals only occurred in higher altitude regions of Northern and Central Japan, and they also exhibit many morphological differences to the long-winged types. Several researchers suggest that this short-winged type must be a distinct species to Panorpodes paradoxus. So, we conducted a molecular phylogenetic analysis in order to investigate how these various characteristics were obtained. Our results indicated that these two wing types could not be differentiated genetically. Furthermore, these various polymorphic characteristics are shown that have polyphyletic origins. That is, the short-winged type was polyphyleticly differentiable, and their various characteristics may be treated as a case of intra-specific “ecomorph” for adaptation to coldness, strong wind and ultraviolet radiation.