ナガタ ミズエ   Mizue Nagata
  長田 瑞恵
   所属   十文字学園女子大学  教育人文学部 幼児教育学科
   職種   教授
発表年月日 2014/07
発表テーマ Comparison of Children’sGrowth Before and After the Radiation Disaster:~Comparison of preschoolers’ emotional and social growth: Evaluations Before and After the Radiation Disaster caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake:a Three-cohort Study~
会議名 OMEP66回大会
発表形式 ポスター
単独共同区分 共同
開催地名 アイルランド,コーク大学
発表者・共同発表者 長田瑞恵・関口はつ江・田中美保子(査読有)
概要 We compared three cohorts with and without the radiation disaster experience. Our aim was to study the impact of the disaster on the growth of children.
(1) Comparison between the first and third cohorts revealed a significant difference between the social domain and play in 2005. Significant differences were also observed between the emotional domain and living habits and between the social domain and play in 2012.
(2) A lower evaluation score was given to the emotional domain than to living habits or play in 2012. Although there is no denying the differences among cohorts or in the timing of the evaluation, the results could suggest that changes in childcare after the disaster affected the children’s emotion