ナガタ ミズエ   Mizue Nagata
  長田 瑞恵
   所属   十文字学園女子大学  教育人文学部 幼児教育学科
   職種   教授
言語種別 日本語
発行・発表の年月 2010
形態種別 学術書
標題 Evaluating a Virtual Agent as Persuasive Technology
執筆形態 共著
掲載誌名 Psychology of Persuasion, Nova Science Publishers.
著者・共著者 SUMI Kaoru・NAGATA Mizue
概要 As a first step towards development of intelligent system using a virtual agent that proactively interacts with a user and changes user’s intension according to the user’s circumstances, we examine how to react with the user under several emotional situations. We set up scenarios that evoked emotional feelings in a user and controlled the agent’s reaction in order to evaluate the user’s impression of the agent. In this experiment, we made 96 patterns of content, which were a combination of emotional scenarios, facial expressions, and words used by the agent. The test subjects accessed the content and answered a questionnaire on the Web. After discussing the experimental results, we derive a rule for the agent’s reaction favorable to the user on the basis of facial expressions and words.