トンプソン アラン   Thompson Alan
  トンプソン アラン
   所属   外国語学部
   職種   教授
言語種別 英語
発行・発表の年月 2016/01
形態種別 研究論文 
標題 Modality practices among ELF users in academic discussions: dominant and peripheral participants.
執筆形態 単著
掲載誌名 Intercultural Communication: new perspectives from ELF
出版社・発行元 Roma TrE-Press: Rome.
巻・号・頁 pp.473-484
概要 This paper investigates the variance in practices for expressing modality in ELF situations depending on a participant’s role in the discussion—dominating or peripheral. A subset of a corpus of recorded discussions was examined for the expression of modality—specifically uses of modal auxiliaries and common epistemic and attitudinal markers («think», «like», etc.). The links observed in the study suggest that discussion dominance is an attribute that is unevenly distributed not only due to personality differences but also due to intercultural factors, and that this dominance is accomplished or enacted by specific language practices.