    (最終更新日:2023-12-01 14:18:22)
  サイツマ デイビッド・スティーブ
  Sytsma, David Steven
   所属   神学部 総合神学科
   職種   准教授
■ 専門分野
宗教学, 思想史, ヨーロッパ史・アメリカ史, Digital Humanities 
■ 所属学会
1. 2010/07~ Sixteenth Century Society & ConferenceLink
2. 2011/05~2013/05 American Academy of ReligionLink
3. 2016/05~ Korean Institute of Reformed Studies (KIRS)
■ 学歴
1. 2007/09~2013/05 Princeton Theological Seminary History 博士課程修了 Ph.D.(History of Christianity)
2. 2006/09~2008/05 Calvin Theological Seminary 修士課程修了 Th.M.(Historical Theology)
3. 2004/09~2006/05 Calvin Theological Seminary 修士課程修了 M.T.S.
4. 1998/09~2002/05 Calvin College 卒業 B.A.
■ 職歴
1. 2021/04~ 東京基督教大学 神学部 総合神学科 准教授
2. 2021/04~ 東京基督教大学 大学院神学研究科 准教授
3. 2019/08~2021/03 東京基督教大学 神学部 神学科 准教授
4. 2015/08~2019/07 東京基督教大学 神学部 神学科 助教
5. 2013/04~ Junius Institute for Digital Reformation Research Research CuratorLink
■ メールアドレス
■ ウエブサイト
■ 科研費研究者番号
■ R&R 研究者コード
■ 著書・論文
1. 著書  Beyond Dordt and De Auxiliis: The Dynamics of Protestant and Catholic Soteriology in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries   (共著) 2019Link
2. 著書  Richard Baxter and the Mechanical Philosophers   (単著) 2017Link
3. 著書  Matthew Hale, Of the Law of Nature   (共著) 2015Link
4. 著書  Church and School in Early Modern Protestantism: Studies in Honor of Richard A. Muller on the Maturation of a Theological Tradition   (共著) 2013Link
5. 論文  John Calvin on the Intersection of Natural, Roman, and Mosaic Law Perichoresis 20(2),pp.19-41 (単著) 2022Link
■ 学会発表
1. 2022/04/21 Sounder Scholastics” (Saniores Scholastici) in the Reformed Tradition: Perceptions of Medieval Scholasticism ca. 1530-1700(Theological Prolegomena in Protestant Orthodoxies: Contexts and Issues (16th-17th century))Link
2. 2017/10/31 Puritan Critics of New Philosophy, ca. 1660-1680(Korean Institute for Reformed Studies)
3. 2016/09/21 Richard Baxter conformed to Nonconformity: The modern reception of Baxter as a practical theologian(The Diversity of Dissent: A Quatercentennial Appreciation of Richard Baxter, John Owen and William Kiffen)Link
4. 2015/09/24 Matthew Hale(Great Christian Jurists in English History)
5. 2013/11/12 Calvin, Daneau, and Physica Mosaica: Neglected Continuities at the Origins of an Early Modern Tradition(Calvin Theological Seminary Ph.D. Colloquium)
■ 展覧会・演奏会・競技会等
1. 2009/10~ Post-Reformation Digital LibraryLink
2. 2015/05~ Junius Institute Digital CompanionsLink
■ 講師・講演
1. 2023/03/09 Virtue Ethics in the Reformed Tradition: Lecture 4. Reformed Concepts of Virtue
2. 2023/03/08 Virtue Ethics in the Reformed Tradition: Lecture 3. Reformed Concepts of Happiness
3. 2023/03/07 Virtue Ethics in the Reformed Tradition: Lecture 2. The Use and Limits of Pagan Virtue Ethics
4. 2023/03/07 Virtue Ethics in the Reformed Tradition: Lecture 1. Mapping an Early Modern Tradition: Sources and Genres for Reformed Virtue Ethics